
Writing Course Finished!

These past few weeks I have been trying to focus on completing a writing course I bought years and years ago, and now with the spare time I've had, I've managed to finally complete it!

The course in question is https://www.writestorybooksforchildren.com/

I was interested in this course as I really want to get into children's publishing. I used to always write stories growing up, but also with my animation and illustration background, and seeing how kids interact with books and stories now, I thought I could write and draw my own picture books.

The course wasn't just about picture books for young children, but more importantly about writing in general. It gave me a lot of tips and ideas on how to approach writing for the future. Before taking the course, I never really thought much about writing a novel for children, but after completing the course, I had a few ideas that I may explore.

The course was eighteen modules with a test at the end of each one, which were all fairly simple multiple choice questions, as long as you paid attention and read properly (I passed with a 92.96% result).

The course really helped in getting me excited for writing and getting those creative juices flowing.

So watch this space.

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