Celtic Claw...again
Another drawing of my character Celtic Claw. Decided to draw the last costume version in a more serious style to see how it works. I like it.
Celtic Claw Redesign
Did a quick sketch of an old character, trying out a different design for him. Looks more like his 'classic' look, but looks more sensible.
More Pants Action!
pent an extra half hour to 45 minutes to finishes this picture off. Glad I did, think it looks much better.
Pants Action!
Been a long time since I have drawn this guy.
Underpants Boy, a character I made up in 2006 during my Art Foundation course. Last time I drew him was probably 2 years ago.
Just cracked this out for fun. Around 90-120 minutes? Gotta work faster.
Still thinking of adding some lighting. We'll see.
Hela 'va good Figure
After seeing the final sculpt for the last figurine of the THE CLASSIC MARVEL FIGURINE COLLECTION, and how brilliant it looks, I was feeling creative.
Ok, I was too tired to do any commissions so thought this would be easier just to get something creative done before bed. Anyway, this is an alternate costume for Hela. I didn't go all out modifying the costume properly, so its more of just a digital repaint.
Ok, I was too tired to do any commissions so thought this would be easier just to get something creative done before bed. Anyway, this is an alternate costume for Hela. I didn't go all out modifying the costume properly, so its more of just a digital repaint.
Cute Avengers Framed
Signed and framed for sale especially for the Rhondda Cynon Taf County Show tomorrow.
Doctor Who Are ya?

Quick and crappy Matt Smith Dr Who Caricature before bed.
Keep meaning to do a proper picture of him.
Ah well. Make do.
Avengers Assemble

Some cute Avengers fan-art.
Started as a sketch of Captain America while at a crafts fair while I was bored. Went to another crafts fair, and drew Iron Man and Thor. Then Hulk and Black Widow the next day. And so it ended up with this.
All traditional pencils. Didn't use any reference as I wasn't too picky about it.
Hope y'all like anyway.
avengers assemble,
black widow,
captain america,
fan art,
iron man,
Fisticuff Animation
Didnt work. Maybe a deviantArt link will...
Fisticuff Animation by *AngelCrusher on deviantART

Exported flash animation as a gif to see if it has a transparent background to post on deviantArt. So essentially, this is a TESTSTETSTETSTETETSTETSTEST.
Fisticuff Animation by *AngelCrusher on deviantART

Exported flash animation as a gif to see if it has a transparent background to post on deviantArt. So essentially, this is a TESTSTETSTETSTETETSTETSTEST.
Skurge II
After seeing some fantastic quick renders of the character, most of us on the blog thought it didn't look very dynamic and I thought there didn't feel like enough power in the stance. So I changed it up with him leaning on his axe, and lowered his face to make his glare look more intimidating. I also flared out the shoulder pads more and filled in other details.
After seeing some fantastic quick renders of the character, most of us on the blog thought it didn't look very dynamic and I thought there didn't feel like enough power in the stance. So I changed it up with him leaning on his axe, and lowered his face to make his glare look more intimidating. I also flared out the shoulder pads more and filled in other details.
My edit to the recently uploading concept art of Skurge for the CMFC. Just removed guns, put axe in both hands, cut away the screaming, although it does work also but I was just messing around.THE CLASSIC MARVEL FIGURINE COLLECTION: The truth is out there...

A friend of mine Sam Ray, better known perhaps on deviantArt as 'CartoonRay' created a new character called Dr. Iq. He posted up the artwork, which I loved, followed up with a description. I couldn't help but picture a different character, and although I tried to explain, I couldnt help myself drawing what I meant to say.
I just wanted to make the character look more menacing, more intelligent, more superior with what the description suggested. I also changed the name from Dr. Iq, as although IQ played on the character's real name and intelligence, having a slightly edgy name thats a little bit funny with rude connotations I thought would be a winner.
Anyway, no offence caused with these changes, just wanted to have fun and illustrate other possibilities. :)
Dog Days are Over

Ok, this is my last Lockjaw post.
I was unhappy with my previous efforts. While I did settle on one I liked, it just looked like a dog.
So after a lil inspiration, I wanted to explore Lockjaw using his teleporting powers. I never thought a standing dog would be dynamic either, but slicing him in half mid teleport, adding some Kirby Krackle, I think its much more unique at displaying the character. It can never be confused with 'just a dog' now.
And if EM want to push the budget out, they could make a back separate and then he could make a nice bookend.
Old Dog New Tricks

Edited the Lockjaw drawings during my lunchbreak, changed to a sad face and a more cheeky face since making him angry looking seemed a touch out of character, probably looked too evil.
Barking Mad
I was sort of challenged to do some designs of what a Lockjaw special would look like for the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection. I looked at images of bulldogs, figurines, and Lockjaw artwork and just mixed them all together to get different results.
Essentially I just wanted him sitting down. He isn't exactly a dynamic character and the breed of dog (I know technically he ain't a dog) doesn't lend itself greatly to dynamic poses. I felt the more dynamic it is, the more bigger the risk of it looking weird. The main selling point in this figurine is the character, basically his unique design in the face, and whatever expression you can get out of it. I also think you can get a better scale of the character in this pose as he will sit up taller than what he would be standing.

I think I sort of failed in a way because they don't really work, the majority just look like a dog. However, I did colour in my favourite (not the churchill parody) that I think worked really well which sort of combined two pieces of artwork of Lockjaw.
Essentially I just wanted him sitting down. He isn't exactly a dynamic character and the breed of dog (I know technically he ain't a dog) doesn't lend itself greatly to dynamic poses. I felt the more dynamic it is, the more bigger the risk of it looking weird. The main selling point in this figurine is the character, basically his unique design in the face, and whatever expression you can get out of it. I also think you can get a better scale of the character in this pose as he will sit up taller than what he would be standing.

I think I sort of failed in a way because they don't really work, the majority just look like a dog. However, I did colour in my favourite (not the churchill parody) that I think worked really well which sort of combined two pieces of artwork of Lockjaw.
On the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection blog we were shown a great step by step process of creating artwork for the magazine, with the line-art posted for the inside cover. The editor mentioned he created the artwork in about 1-2 hours, so I wanted to challenge myself to see if I could create something similar in the same space of time.
So this is my attempt. It is quite rough and I didn't bother with any shading. The contents box is just a copy and paste from the actual artwork posted, but the artwork itself was around an hour to complete. I choose against textures like the editor used, as I thought the inks defined the texture of objects enough. I also just re-used an old background I had for a previous piece of artwork...so a little cheat there, but altogether for 1 hour I didn't think it looked too bad.
Follow the link to see the original artwork and to follow the CMFC blog.
Euro 2012 Predictions #2
So my predictions were alright in the end.
I correctly predicted 7 out of the 8 teams who qualified (didnt account for Greece pulling an upset)
I correctly predicted 58% of the results and 21% of the scores.
If I had placed a £10 bet on every prediction, I would have won £675.36, which would of been a profit of £195.36!
So obviously I am kicking myself now.
But since the quarter finals have changed from how I predicted them, I gotta make new predictions and see how it goes.
Czech Republic 0-1 Portual
Germany 4-0 Greece
Spain 2-0 France
England 0-1 Italy
Still tipping Germany to win the thing.
I correctly predicted 7 out of the 8 teams who qualified (didnt account for Greece pulling an upset)
I correctly predicted 58% of the results and 21% of the scores.
If I had placed a £10 bet on every prediction, I would have won £675.36, which would of been a profit of £195.36!
So obviously I am kicking myself now.
But since the quarter finals have changed from how I predicted them, I gotta make new predictions and see how it goes.
Czech Republic 0-1 Portual
Germany 4-0 Greece
Spain 2-0 France
England 0-1 Italy
Still tipping Germany to win the thing.
Euro 2012 Predictions
Time to talk some tosh and blindly predict some results without huge knowledge of the Euro football scene.
Czech 6
Russia 5
Poland 4
Greece 1
Czech 0-2 Russia
Czech 1-0 Poland
Czech 2-0 Greece
Russia 1-1 Poland
Russia 2-2 Greece
Poland 1-0 Greece
Germany 9
Portugal 4 GD
Netherlands 4
Denmark 0
Germany 2-0 Portual
Germany 3-1 Netherlands
Germany 4-1 Denmark
Portual 2-2 Netherlands
Portual 3-0 Denmark
Netherlands 1-0 Denmark
Spain 9
Italy 6
Ireland 1
Croatia 1
Spain 2-0 Italy
Spain 1-0 Ireland
Spain 1-0 Croatia
Italy 1-0 Ireland
Italy 2-1 Croatia
Ireland 0-0 Croatia
france 7
england 5
Sweden 4
Ukraine 0
France 1-1 England
France 1-0 Sweden
France 2-0 Ukraine
England 2-2 Sweden
England 1-0 Ukraine
Sweden 1-0 Ukraine
Czech 0-1 Portugal
Spain 1-0 England
Germany 2-0 Russia
France 1-0 Italy
Portugal 1-2 Spain
Germany 3-1 France
Spain 1-2 Germany
I wonder how much money I would make if I actually bet these. Maybe something I'll try checking if I have time.
Czech 6
Russia 5
Poland 4
Greece 1
Czech 0-2 Russia
Czech 1-0 Poland
Czech 2-0 Greece
Russia 1-1 Poland
Russia 2-2 Greece
Poland 1-0 Greece
Germany 9
Portugal 4 GD
Netherlands 4
Denmark 0
Germany 2-0 Portual
Germany 3-1 Netherlands
Germany 4-1 Denmark
Portual 2-2 Netherlands
Portual 3-0 Denmark
Netherlands 1-0 Denmark
Spain 9
Italy 6
Ireland 1
Croatia 1
Spain 2-0 Italy
Spain 1-0 Ireland
Spain 1-0 Croatia
Italy 1-0 Ireland
Italy 2-1 Croatia
Ireland 0-0 Croatia
france 7
england 5
Sweden 4
Ukraine 0
France 1-1 England
France 1-0 Sweden
France 2-0 Ukraine
England 2-2 Sweden
England 1-0 Ukraine
Sweden 1-0 Ukraine
Czech 0-1 Portugal
Spain 1-0 England
Germany 2-0 Russia
France 1-0 Italy
Portugal 1-2 Spain
Germany 3-1 France
Spain 1-2 Germany
I wonder how much money I would make if I actually bet these. Maybe something I'll try checking if I have time.
Red Wing

Another commission from deviantArt. I think I made him look like a digimon.
In otherwords, I made him look awesome.
The School Girl

Another character commission for someone on deviantart, a super hero character who dresses as a school girl.
Mario Pixel Art

Saw people making sprite art out of beads and fancied having a go.
Great fun. I think I am hooked now. :)
My England Squad 2012
Cut come players out due to injuries, and didnt take 3 keepers. Never need 3 keepers unless there is a freak injury and a keeper gets sent off. A risk I am willing to take.
Cut come players out due to injuries, and didnt take 3 keepers. Never need 3 keepers unless there is a freak injury and a keeper gets sent off. A risk I am willing to take.
Animation Showreel 2012
Featuring examples of my work using Celaction, Flash and traditional hand drawn animation from:
Soli & Mo's Nature Show
Barnacled Warship music video
And personal short films and animation tests.
Contact: LA_Way@hotmail.co.uk

So the character changed from 'Jade' in my last post. I just felt the name was abit too cliched for a character wearing green, and this one seemed to just click. I also opted for this costume for a number of reasons, but mainly because it was the first that I did and was trusting my gut too.
I also didnt intend on the hair colour or removing the glasses, but seeing the red hair due to my red brush sketches, I thought it just worked, and in the end I thought the glasses looked abit messy and ruined the picture.
So there we go, new character done.

Some designs for a new character.
Struggling to decide which works best.
Initially I didnt plan on her showing any legs and was going for an all green suit, but then added a sort of corset, then tried with showing the legs...and I like them all.
Any feedback welcome. :)
Wiccan Edit

After another great update at the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection blog, we were presented with an excellent sculpt of Wiccan.
A few of the bloggers there, myself included, thought he looked alot older than the teen in the comics.
So I broke down the sculpt, tracing it to get the contours, then worked on making the face younger. What makes the sculpt feel old is the large ears, longer than the nose, which is unusual. Also the square, long jaw line is also very mature and macho looking, while Wiccan is often portrayed as young, quite soft, feminine like features.
So narrowing his face and softening his jawline made him look younger, but it didnt look in proportion with his body now. So I looked into what made him look older. Again, he was very muscular, thick legs and arms and long in the torso and pelvis. So I made more changes to make his body look more fragile, like a teenager, yet to pile on the muscle of a filly grown hero.
Overall these are drastic changes that I cannot see happening, but I just wanted to see what I could do to change the sculpt into making it feel more like the character. I still feel the sculpt is really well done, but just wanted the drawing exercise really.
SpiderMan 2099 Edit

Another edit of a figurine from the Classic Marvel Figurine Collection, this time looking at the new Spider-Man 2099 sculpt.
I was disappointed in the sculpt after seeing so many promising and dynamic sketches of the pose, I think the sculptor really missed the mark nailing the pose in 3D. Instead it is rather undynamic and rather awkward looking. I made some quick adjustments to match the sketch more and think it is an improvement. Although it is probably way too late to change, just wanted to show that someone needs to keep a keener eye on the quality and direction from design to sculpt.
Ultimate Spider-Man trailer
Looks pretty good. Although the visual looney tunes style gags look really out of place here. Some bits feel more suited towards a Deadpool cartoon than a Spider-Man one, but I think its cool iron spidey suit has got an appearance. Anyway, hope they actually release this one in a boxset in the UK.
Games: Rhino Reveal Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man
Games: Rhino Reveal Trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man
Spider-Man costume looks rather odd doesnt it? Its like the movie version, but also looks more like the traditional costume, which is weird for a game based on a film license. Could it be hinting at a costume change for spidey? Why does he have a physical belt? Hmmmmmm....
Spider-Man costume looks rather odd doesnt it? Its like the movie version, but also looks more like the traditional costume, which is weird for a game based on a film license. Could it be hinting at a costume change for spidey? Why does he have a physical belt? Hmmmmmm....
The Tourist Review - Plot Twist
Firstly, can I say this 'review' will contain spoilers, only to highlight my disappointment in the film and the absurd nature of the storyline. Yes, I did indeed watch 'The Tourist', and I expected a bad, horrible movie, but what I got was something I did no quite expect...
Ok, surprise number 1 while watching the movie, was that sure, its abit silly, but I didnt think it was truly awful. It just had silly moments in, wasnt a great story, but it was fun. The the climatic end of the movie came...and it destroyed the whole film. The walls of the story began collapsing down on itself, sucking any logic from the narrative like a super massive plot hole.
I couldn't believe it. I was confused. Angry. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about this ending, and then going through the film and how none of it made any sense. In essence, this horrible ending made me watch the film again in my head, where on second viewing the film is just stupid beyond belief. It's like it came to the end of the film and they just snorted some drugs and filmed whatever incomprehensible drivel that poured out of their high induced, empty minds.
So here is the low down.
Angelina Jolie is the wife of this wanted man. Since Paul Bettany and his police don't know his whereabouts yet have extensive detail on him, they monitor her in hope they make contact. Jolie gets a note from her man and the adventure starts. As Jolie walks off, a man watching her and the police following her smiles as he walks away. Hmmm....her lover perhaps?
Anyway, Jolie boards a train. The note told her to mislead the police by finding a random guy around his height and build into thinking she is with her lover. Insert Johnny Depp, sitting in 2nd class all alone. He is flabbergasted that Jolie sits with him and he seems a nervous wreck. The converse, we find out Depp is a math teacher who's wife left him. Paul Bettany's spies are on the train and get a picture of Depp. They think he is their man! We fear for Depp!
Wait, false alarm. Police records show Depp is just a maths teacher whose wife died in a car accident. Kinda sad. He probably didnt tell Jolie because its sort of awkward.
Fastforward to Venice. Depp is just a tourist out of his depths, looking at his map confused. Jolie pulls up with a boat and offers him a ride, taking him to her hotel. Seems like theres a connection there from their train talk. His vulnerability has softened her heart and seems like she is fallen for him despite her love for her other man. However, when they check into the hotel, we see that mysterious man, watching her again, smiling as the two walk past him. Has her lover really set all this up?
Insert gangsters. Seems like this man stole alot of money from his boss who wants it back. The boss was like a father to him, so feels even more betrayed. They see Depp in Jolies hotel room and have their target.
Meanwhile Depp and Jolie and flirting. Jolie is stripping in the bedroom while Depp is on the other side of the door, longing to enter. The room I mean, but I guess metaphorically. Anyway, after Jolie telling him he should be more forceful in trying to get what he wants, he gives in and sleeps on the couch. She seems disappointed. Then suddenly he bursts in the room and kisses her passionately. But its a dream this time. Nuts. And that mysterious man left flowers for Jolie too, constantly reminded us and Depp she has another man. Poor Johnny.
Anyway, Jolie has left and gangsters are after him in the hotel room. A chase ensues only for Depp to get arrested, but at least he is safe from gangsters. As he explains the crazy story to the police, they lock him up, but at night, the police realize he isnt safe and tries to get him out. but poor Johnny, its a trap as he has a reward on his head. Luckily Jolie saves him, and boat chase later, everything is fine.
Jolie gives him money to get out of venice and leaves him. She then goes to Paul Bettany's police HQ revealing she is an undercover cop who has been caught up in this affair because she fell in love with that mysterious man who stole money from the gangsters and owes loads of tax. She says she will finally give Bettany her man because she is afraid Johnny Depp is in danger caught in the middle of all this.
So cut to a Ball where Jolie is to meet her fella and Bettany is waiting to swoop. The man gives Jolie a note where to meet him then wriggles away through the crowd. As Jolie pursuits, she is stopped by Depp. He didnt leave her and wants to dance with her, proving he can be the man she wants him to be. Eventually Jolie goes after her man saying she still loves him, and Paul Bettany apprehends Depp.
Jolie goes to meet her man at the safe, but he isnt there. However, the gangsters are! They figure if they threaten her, then they will get their man eventually. Meanwhile Bettany and Depp are forced to watch, waiting for this man to arrive. But he aint coming, and things are getting nasty, looks like the gangsters are going to kill Jolie. But Bettany is obsessed about getting his man. However, Depp cannot wait no longer for the Police to intervene and does so himself.
The gangster boss, who was like a father to him, obviously doesnt recognize him. Depp says he had surgery, but the boss still isnt convinced, everything is wrong. Jolie is adamant Depp is crazy and should leave not to get involved. Depp offers to open the safe if the boss lets Jolie go. Suicide! He doesnt know the code! And everyone knows it, as he calls his bluff and says open the safe or you both die.
Cue an agonizing long and slow walk towards the safe. Cue looks of worry from Jolie. Cue Bettany still waiting for his man to eventually walk through that door.
Then his supervisor enters, tells the snipers to fire, and kills the baddies!
Phew, close call!
Paul Bettany is gutted the guy never came. Jolie and Depp embrace and are left alone. Johnny Depp then opens the safe.
Cut to outside, and Paul Bettany has caught his man! The mysterious guy giving messages to Jolie has finally been caught. But he says he was paid to fly around the world following Jolie to give her messages.
The police return to the safe to find a cheque for all the tax they are owned. Supervisor is pleased, case closed. Paul Bettany is stumped as he tries putting the pieces of the puzzle together. His expression reads...
Final scene Depp and Jolie riding off in a boat. Jolie mocking Depp's surgery.
The End.
Now none of that made sense. Reread that whole entire movie knowing what you know now. It makes no sense. Unless these people are incredible actors that act when no one is watching them, then seriously...WTF?!
Lets go back.
Why did Depp make up a story about his wife, and why do the police have a record of him with information about his wife dying? Why do we see him lost and confused in Venice? Why didnt he burst through the door and embrace Jolie at the hotel? Why did he have a dream about her wishing he wasnt so pathetic? Why is he just a bumbling nervous wreck throughout the film?
Now you could say maybe its all an act, afterall, she is an undercover cop, and they would be worried of constant surveillance. But then Jolie telling Depp to leave and giving up the man to Bettany made no sense. Especially for Depp just to surprise her at the Ball.
Alternatively, Jolie didnt know any of this, and Depp was testing her love for him (her mysterious lover the police wanted). So Depp is just a liar and manipulative, which Jolie admitting thats what she hated about lover. Still, it doesnt explain the odd couple of scenes from franks point of view by himself out of his depth, uneasy, unprepared, daunted etc.
Another idea is that Johnny Depp lied. He is still the tourist, and the mysterious man gave him the safe code. He tested Jolie's love and let her go off with Depp, rewarding her for sticking by him...seemingly, even though they didnt see each other for ages and she ran off with all his money.
See? You try finding solutions to the twist and you cant get an answer that makes sense.
Anyone who has any opinions and solutions, enlighten me.
angelina jolie,
johnny depp,
the tourist
Null Crusher

Trying to remember to post everything I draw on dA on my blog too. This is another fusion based character. I should have just linked the dA pic to save me typing stuff up...
Watchamacallit Animation
Watchamacallit Animation by *AngelCrusher on deviantART
So blogger doesnt let you post flash files which sucks.
Hope the dA embed works, otherwise I will convet it to an avi and post it again later.
Blast from the Past
Found an old link from when I used to 'compete' in fantasy wrestling leagues online, 'roleplaying' as a character in interviews and such. Was back in my school days and it was like the biggest online wrestling tournament ever...and the rookie roleplayer with his newest character beat the whole damn world.
So, I'm gonna leave this link here:
And maybe I'll revisit this character and draw him up to honour a proud memory of mine.
So, I'm gonna leave this link here:
And maybe I'll revisit this character and draw him up to honour a proud memory of mine.
Avengers 3D poster
Saw this pic and thought it was really cool.
Would be nice to try achieving an image with this effect, may look into it.
Spider-Man Universal Studios Ride Update
Universal Studios are updating their Spider-Man 3D motion ride and these previews are looking fantastic! Moving away from the 90s cartoon style and looking more like a video game or movie! They say the updates will be in place for March, would love to see it!

Spindle Crusher


I need help.
THE LION KING RISES: (Original) Dark Knight Rises Trailer Parody
Well put together, still gives you goosebumps.
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